Natalia's journey

In reality our entire family news will be shared through this blog as our baby grows and as we fight cancer.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

chemo reality

Well, I typed up some stuff yesterday and it got erased … and I was too tired to re-type it. Shortly, I didn’t realize the mighty effects of ESHAP until I got home. As steroids wore off I realized how weak I am. A trip from bedroom to kitchen made my head spin and prompted to lay down… and I ached like never before, especially under armpits and behind ankles and joints. My feet felt like cotton and I’d get out of breath instantly.
Only good news is I got to sleep much of the weekend and Memorial Day.
I feel much better today … and here is why:
1. I didn’t think much about cancer cause good friends drove over and we did fun stuff
2. I was around young, beautiful and healthy people
3. My husband got a break and seeing him happy made me happy :).

I want to keep this happy feeling and stretch these 2 weeks as long as possible!


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