Natalia's journey

In reality our entire family news will be shared through this blog as our baby grows and as we fight cancer.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Priceless memories

Yesterday, Andryusha turned 1 year and a half! How will it be memorable?
Well, I will surely remember because 3 day ago he broke my tooth - while we playing he accidentally hit me in the jaw. So I went to the dentist and now I need a crown - as MasterCard commercial would say "Broken tooth - $1,000, playing fun memories - priceless". So enjoy some recent pictures of our priceless joy!

Another interesting memory comes to mind: 2 years ago on April 1 we arrived in India for work - I was 3 months pregnant and we didn't know how it would go there; the trip turned out to be a very interesting adventure and in many ways life touching -- it was there that I first noticed a lump on my neck -- I was about 5 months pregnant and just finished teaching a class and was discussing something with a co-worker when I felt it while checking a necklace on my neck. I think next week I'll try and post some of the India pictures - stay tuned :)

Otherwise, we are doing fine - at the moment we are expanding the back yard deck so Andryusha can play safely (we finally put in a fence too). And this minor project along with keeping up with Andryusha keeps us more than busy -- without exaggeration I am dead tired every single day. For some reason, I've been also having liver pain again (on and off) but I am still super happy! What's in our future?

Off I go...

Gde luna? - Where is the moon?

Like father like son :)


  • At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Natalie and Raymond,

    You are simply beautiful. Such a lovely family. Andriusha is so precious.

    Nastia and the boys


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