"For whom the bell tolls"?
For me!!!!!
Yes, everything has to come to an end ... the brutal war, the chemo, SCT, radiation ... every saga has it's end and mine was yesterday. I rang the hell out of the bell in front of the radiation staff and a few other patients and my voice sounded like a first grader's as I was reading the 'End of treatment' poem. I actually haven't heard anyone else ring the bell during my entire 3+ weeks of radiation treatment so it was very emotional and exciting for me.
As Hemingway puts it "The Sun also rises" and so my Sun is rising as well! We are so excited to start a new life -- I am going to be shining for my boys and all the friends around, and even strangers around cause I AM SO DONE WITH CANCER!!! Yes, I have a few nagging side effects like abdominal pain (liver?), chest pain (heart?), fatigue and dizziness but how would you know it's sunny if it wouldn't be for a few clouds? So yeah, despite my physical limitations at the moment, my soul is soaring high and I could not be happier. I even get a 4 week break till the next CAT scan -- a great opportunity to rest, recover and enjoy the sunshine!
Here are a few pics from my radiation (sorry if it's too much for you -- viewer's discretion advised) and if you really want to feel how I feel check out this 'Team in training".
Peace and Love to all! My radiation team
My last glow! The after effect :)
The MASS (can you believe it was even bigger?)